Hello! Welcome to my website! I am Xiaoyuan Wang from Suzhou, Dukekunshan University. As an environment major student, I have a rather strong and wide desire to explore all aspects of environmental science. I am now majored in biogeochemistry, with research interests in:
Asia bird migration and bird collision in Chinese regions;
wild animal poaching issues;
Environmental management:
Carbon emission reduction potentials of agriculture industry and its policy effectiveness in China;
Application of Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) methods on Municipal wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery process.
I love writing, camping and hiking in the forest. Also, music, I am a fan of Cosmo Sheldrake, who prefers to make music with a variety of bird sounds. It would be one of the most fantastic things for me, that wandering in the night forest, listening to his music, and record every amazing moment and creatures that I will meet. I guess that composes part of my motivation to delve into environmental science——to get closer to the forest, to the nature.